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Research Paper Tobacco Industry - 3059 Words

Kathy Dixon December 9, 2012 MGT 430: Business, Government, and Society Research Paper: Tobacco Industry Dixon 1 Table of Contents Introduction 2 History 3 Corporate Stakeholders 4 Role of the tobacco industry in its social, economic, and political setting 7 Domestic and International Ethics 9 Ecological and Natural Resources 10 Social Issues 11 Rating of Social Responsiveness 11 Rating in relation to the Saint Leo Core Values 12 Dixon 2 Introduction The use of tobacco is a very controversial topic here in the United States. The harmful side effects of tobacco are well known and consequently, many believe that it should be outlawed. Though this has not yet occurred, constant regulations on the industry and†¦show more content†¦Shareholders are stakeholders, but stakeholders are only shareholders if they own stock. According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), corporate stakeholders have a very important role, not only within the business for the community as well. Good corporate governance ensure that corporations take into account the interests of a wide range of constituencies, as well as the communities within which they operate, and that their boards are accountable to the company and the shareholders. This, in turn, helps to assure that corporations operate for the benefit of society as a whole (1999). Health concerns are the primary issue for nearly all of the stakehold ers. Employees care about their job security and integrity for their occupations. The government is responsible for ensuring the safety and overall welfare of its community. If tobacco is known as a health hazard to the citizens, then it is the responsibility of the government to act on it. The customers of the tobacco industry are another huge factor. Of course, they care about their health, the ingredients of the product, the quality, the cost, etc. Then there are the owners and shareholders who, while they may also care about the reputation of the business, they are mainly concerned with the continuation of the corporation and the profits from it. The interests and actions of each of theseShow MoreRelatedThe Dangers Of The Tobacco Industry974 Words   |  4 PagesIn the early 1950s, the Tobacco industry was in disarray over the release of a scientific paper, on several mediums, that demonstrated the connection between the carcinogens in cigarette smoke to several types of cancer . In reaction to this devastating paper, Tobacco executives banded together along with a public relations firm, R.J. 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